Monday, June 21, 2010

Recent Interview with → The Suite Escape

Q: What’s up?
→AARON: Nothing much, trying to get better at skateboarding but my knees and shins want me to quit.

Q: A lot of people say “Hip Hop saved my life” is this statement true for you?
→VIRG: I wouldn’t necessarily say hip hop but music, definitely. Its like my outlet, in every situation I turn to music its almost like a religion to me. I always say there’s a song for every situation.

Q: Do you believe Hip Hop is dead or once was? If so, why? And how do you feel as though it was is resurrected?
→VIRG: Not dead just evolving, which everything should. The hip hop my older brothers know shouldn’t be the same hip hop my 2 year old nephew grows up on, that would mean no progress is coming but every “Hip Hop Head” should know the roots of the art because if you don’t know where you came from you won’t know where you’re going. Sorry for going cliché on you.

Q: What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap?
→AARON: Just listening to other bands and seeing how far they’ve come and knowing we’re capable of doing it too.

Q: What are your thoughts on auto-tune and/or voice synthesizing?
→SEAN: I don’t like auto-tune, voice synthesizing is okay.

Q: Your top five favorite rappers are…? Why?
→VIRG: My top five favorite rappers? And these are in a particular order 5. C-Lo Green, Because, he’s really versatile and very lyrical and probably one of the most under-rated rappers of all time. 4. I will give to Malice and Pusha T, just because the next 3 are the greatest but they’re dope. 3. Kanye West, because he made being a college nerd that loves music cool and his lyrics are like nothing we ever heard before. 2 & 1 are the greatest group of all time Outkast 2 being Big Boi and 1 being Andre. I grew up on Outkast it was all the rap I knew probably until I got to middle school. I study Andre 3000 his delivery and rhyme scheme and it all. If I were a basketball Andre would be my Michael Jordan.

Q: If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?
→SEAN: N*E*R*D. No doubt about it, they’re our mentors in music and they don’t even know us yet. But they will.

Q: What are some words that describe you and your music?
→AARON: Awesome. SEAN: Alternative/Electronic/Rock. VIRG: The Muthafuggin Jizz!!!!!

Q: Do you prefer to freestyle or write?
→VIRG: The way I make lyrics is kind of different since we’re a band. Sometimes Aaron comes up with a riff and I’ll sit and write to that or Sean will strum a few chords and the way it makes me feel will tell me what to say, but most times we just jam and everyone freestyles. We made a song up once an hour before a show and decided to try to perform it was dope but I forgot the lyrics mid way through and ended up dancing like Jessica Simpson on Saturday Night Live on stage. I don’t recommend doing that to anyone.

Q: As of right now what is your best song?
→AARON: Toys, because it was one of our first songs and everyone who hears it loves it, even though Virg can’t sing. Lol.

Q: Who are your top 5 favorite Producers?
→SEAN: The Neptunes, Timbaland, Polow Da Don, Juicy J, Sledgren, Flying Lotus and The Gorillaz. I know that’s more than 5. lol

Q: What is a normal day like for you?
→AARON: Wake up, eat breakfast, play guitar, text some girls lol, then go back to sleep, CAUSE IM A ROCKSTAR!!!!!!! just playing.

Q: What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice sized crowd?
→AARON: It feels okay, I just wish we had more time on stage at our shows. SEAN: Good, the adrenaline rush is like nothing ive ever felt before. VIRG: I love the crowd, the bigger the better to me. I have a secret thing I do before we play big crowds, but I can’t tell you because it’s a secret.

Q: What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?
→VIRG: Just life stuff. I say make every situation a song. We do some political stuff though and just songs to chill with your friends while listening and skateboarding and ummm smoking.

Q: What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?
→SEAN: Do it for the money and the girls are very impressive as well. Lol

Q: What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?
→VIRG: We’re about to start back recording our album “Galaxy” in July, when Aaron gets back from “Vacation”. Until then though I’m working on a mixtape called “The Space Odyssey” now that should be done in August sometime. With all the production and beats done by Sean and its hosted by DJ Jump Fly, with appearances by Da A$tronautz and some sweet guitar shit by Aaron all of the F.O.O.T. Clan so yeah, we are a movement.
