Wednesday, June 2, 2010

#3 Momz

Meet My Momz!

*the crowd says, "Hi Mom"

My moms day starts out like this, "WAAAAAAAKE UPPPPP" 3/4's of the year she is taking my little brother to school. After, she gets him dressed, fed and into the school she goes back home. My mom will then get herself dressed. Notice, she put him before her in this situation. She goes to work. Her days are very long and hard and her neck is usually hurting by the time she has to pick him back up from school. She's a nail technician ie- she does nails and everyday it's the same ole thing *look down and lay acrylic n make people pretty. My mom has slaved this job for me and my little brother, as well as the rest of our family. She is the strongest woman I know and I love her to death. People who don't understand what's going on will think she's rude and inconsiderate but if you know her struggle you'll feel her hustle. My mom never puts herself first in any situation and it's starting to catch up with her. She needs to be able to breathe without someone asking her for something. I'm pretty sure she feels like a stretch Armstrong from the 80's because she is constantly being pulled. Through it all, and I mean it all, she has really overcome. This is MY MOM. And I love her with all my heart :) If I had all day to talk about her you'd be reading for a lifetime. 
► Characteristics ◄
