Monday, June 7, 2010

4-Day Weekend with Bay

Thursday June 3, 2010 – Arrived at 11:20 AM Miss Kathy picked me up from the train station. Had to wait on Pierre to get to the house because he had class. We proceeded to watch the Rugrat Movie and about thirty minutes we were already asleep in eachother’s laps. We woke up around 2:30 PM and went to McAlister’s to get Miss Kathy and I a jug of that famous Sweet Tea. We got back to his house and I took a shower, then we headed out to the mall. I bought three dresses and a one-piece outfit; he bought us some shoes. When we got back to the house we shot around on his basketball goal; of course I was doing completely terrible. Chris’ fat butt came over and they started shooting for money so I sat down, lol because clearly I would’ve owed everyone money! I went inside to watch the Tennessee vs Arizona Division 1 College Softball World Series; Tennessee won. And, then I watched the #LakeShow (aka Lakers vs Celtics Finals Game). Tim and his girlfriend had come over so Tim could tint Pierre’s car. Pierre went on to mess with his bumper and other things with his car. It was supposed to be Pamper Night but I guess he had other things in mind so when he FINALLY got in the house I had showered and started watching the Georgia vs Washington Division 1 College Softball World Series and Georgia won. We finally got some chill time in and we went to bed around 1:40 AM.

Friday – Woke up at 9 AM to Kesh and the kids walkin around the house, ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes and somehow I went back to sleep. After dreaming a very good dream I was woken up to a kiss on the lips which slick scared me at first, but it was my baby! I twisted him up –he was in need of some fye twistin- his hair done got longer! He had to work at 4 PM so Perez and I went to the mall. He claimed he didn’t know how to get to the “ghetto-mall” so we went all the way to Clinton just to get to the Metro. Once we finally made it to the mall there were so many guys just starring, of course Pierre wasn’t with me and Perez just thought it was funny, IT IS TRULY ANNOYING! I bought another dress and Perez got some shoes. We went to Taco Bell and then to McAlister’s to get som to eat and see my bay; while the workers also stared at me, ughh. About the time we got back to the house I gotta text that said “Guess what..” I replied “What?” he text back “Off” I was so happy, he only had to work 2 hrs and some change. Pierre sat outside and dribbled around while I watched ATL on BET. When he came back in the house we watched the Wizard of Oz, I recommend everyone watch this movie over again just to see how far we’ve come in graphics and special effects, HAHAHAHA! We then watched Georgia vs Tennessee Division 1 College Softball World Series game and Tennessee won. We then went to sleep.

Saturday – Woke up around 10:30, Pierre had driving school so I waited for him to get home. I cooked breakfast – pancakes, eggs, sausages, biscuits n bacon  After, eating I took a shower and got dressed to go to the mall, or so I thought. We didn’t end up going to the mall. It was their pastor’s 13th anniversary in the church so they had an appreciation night which lasted from 4-6something. When we left the church we went to Nagoya’s in Madison (Japanese Steakhouse) and it was great! Post-dinner we went to visit Kesh n Melvin about 30 minutes away. As we left Keshia’s house it started to hit me that I was going to be leaving the next day, and then there went the tears. Yes, when it comes to my bay I am a crier. So we drove around a little while, parked and talked. We got back to the house and went to bed.

Sunday – I woke up to Pierre already dressed standin in the door-way talkin bout, “Are you going to church?” I was like “Uhhh yeah! No one woke me up” to my surprise he had came in the room a couple times and he said I responded by saying good morning and sittin up like I was about to get up; I don’t remember any of that, haha. So, he took Perez to Sunday School and while he was gone I raced to get dressed, as he pulled up I was done and walking out the door. Service was so amazing I will post the message as my next blog. After church Pierre and I went to the mall (again) of course they didn’t open until 1 PM and we were there at 12:40 PM so we had to wait but oh well. He bought me another dress and we went back to the house, I knew my bay was hungry! Miss Kathy had cooked turkey dressing, cranberry sauce, green beans, baked macaroni-n-cheese, and dinner rolls. After we ate one of Pierre’s friends came over to pick up his car. Pierre and I spent the rest of our time together laying around, while I downloaded music, until it was time for him to go to work. Off he went and then I packed very hastily to Miss Kathy and I flew to the train station, said our goodbye’s and I was off to KY.