Sunday, June 6, 2010

Amtrak: Ride2Jackson

Thursday June 3, 2010
I was told to be early to the Train Station in Fulton, KY. This was no ordinary train station; it was a traior full of chairs, a "waiting room" if you will. The train was scheduled to leave at 3:14 AM, little did I know Mom, Boo (my little brother) and I would be there for another hour. To our surprise the train came at exactly 4:14 AM. As I saw the train pulling up the only thing I could think of was ♪ HERE COMES THE TRAIN, HERE COMES THE TRAIN, HERE COMES THE TRAIN; I HOPE YOU GOT YO TICKET I HOPE YOU GOT YO TICKET ♪ (lol). As I boarded the train a middle-aged man with a heavy northen accent seated me and let me pay for my ticket. As soon as he walked away I was asleep. The next time I awoke I was passing by the tops of trees (ie- the picture) and we were arriving in Yazoo City, MS. I nodded off again and was woken up by a heavy-set man tapping hard on my shoulder "15 minutes til Jackson," he said. I got my things together and waited. Everyone keeps asking me how my first train ride but I don't know what to say because I was hittin ZzZzZz's the whole time.