Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010


As you can see on the side bar of my blog there are many TITS advertisements. Let me show you a few things that can be copped at TITS.

There's the Wifey Brand Men's V-Neck
This is a 18" x 24" Estevan Wifey Print Poster

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Chris Brown Gives An Epic Tribute to Michael Jackson ↓

I don't care what you say.! I did not watch the BET Awards 2010 BUT I did hear about this heartfelt moment so I had to post it at once. Chris Brown is my favorite singer of all time and he would be nothing without Michael Jackson. This isn't Chris' first time paying Jackson tribute. One can definitely tell that Brown idolizes Jackson. Take a look.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Recent Exclusive Interview with Future the Poet.!

Q: What’s up?
Relaxing right now. I'm in Charlotte on tour, been doing shows every night for the past week. Working hard and loving it

Q: As a poet what do you feel like you can bring to the table in the poetry industry?
a sense of reality, realness, a higher way of thinking on ground level. Sometimes those involved in the art can kind of get away from what i feel is the point of it: touching people. Big words are easy, moving people isn't.

Q: Do you ever get writer's block? How do you deal with it?
I NEVER get writers block. I don't believe in it. I only write when i feel like writing, i don't force it, so it all comes naturally. I believe in quality over quantity. if i don't write for a day, a week, a month or two, so be it. if I'm writing every day, that's great too, but i have to be in the mood, if I'm not then I don't. I feel that's why i never have any wasted material.

Q: What motivates you? And/or → Why do you write poetry?
I'm motivated by a need for better content and creativity in entertainment, by the need for people to hear messages of hope, perseverance, God, something to make them feel better in the midst of what ever they may be going through. I'm also motivated by the challenge to get better, to be better as a person, writer and performer. I love what I do, so I want to be the best I can be

Q: What do you think makes a poet “great”?
I think that's an individual thing. the artist has to know and be comfortable with who they are on and off stage in order to elevate their artistry. what works for me doesn't necessarily work for the next person and vice versa. I will say this, staying true to self is not an option. if you cant do that, you cant do anything

Q: Do you sit and think through every word of every stanza or do you just write freely and allowing the words to flow?
all of the above. sometimes the flow or cadence comes write out, sometimes i have to put it together like a jigsaw puzzle. it all depends on how its coming out and that is always different. Usually it starts with an idea, and then grows from there. sometimes I have written the end of a piece before the intro. its new every time
Q: Your top five favorite poets are…? Why?
# 1 - I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sunni Patterson (New Orleans LA). She has a genuine realness about her that can not go unappreciated. She takes simple subjects and relays them to the crowd with a passion you almost NEVER find lol and she never raises her, shes like a silent train wreck. you don't know its happening until its too late
# 2 - 13 of Nazareth (Alexandria VA). 13 to me is a perfect blend of lyricism and content. His material is so layered you can listen to his work over and over and its new every time. Conceptually he may be the greatest. he also has the ability to stretch a metaphor past one, two or even three lines which is very hard to do without being redundant.
# 3 - One Truth (Cleveland OH). I love One because he is old school meets new school. He has the wisdom or writing style of generations past, but his delivery is definitely hip hop influenced. Not everyone can be both clever and insightful at the same time, its a joy to watch
# 4 - Will Bell (Miami FL). Will was the first "feature poet" I heard in my career. If not for meeting him in Washington DC at my first feature ever, I may not be doing this interview right now, seriously. He taught me what it meant to be simple and effective. He was like the voice of the streets in poet form. I never would have expected this hard dude to be a writer, much less aspire to help people through his work. He changed my whole view on what my art could be for me so, I have him 4th but he will always be a part of "Future History" if you will.
# 5 - Q Boogie - I don't know where he is now or what he's doing, but he opened my eyes to word play. he is what I call a phenomenal lyricist. I haven't heard words twisted by any artist like I have heard from Q. I liked wordplay from jump, but Q made me love it. He made me want to break down my writing under a microscope when I thought I was hot because i could break it down to puzzle pieces.
Do you consider yourself a poet, lyricist, artist or all of the above? And why?
all of the above. every poem, piece and show has a different feel. I'm a poet by writing in verse obviously, but lyricism is something else. the ability to construct a rhyme scheme with words in a manner of using code, cadence and content is a serious task. especially when its all linear and cohesive. you hear rappers rhyming whatever sounded like the last thing they said, bouncing from subject to subject. To do it all in a straight line, with no hook or hole in the story, that's a talent all by itself, that's a part of writing that turns me on off stage, trying to put the puzzle together and layer it with double and triple meanings, its like scrabble on the mic. The artist in me is a tough one. the artist cares only about art, not business, the artist wants to say what he wants to say at all times in the face of all people, like a mustang, cant break it, can only try to direct it. the artist is also versatile, wants more than just poetry, wants song writing, acting, modeling, the artist is creative in all ways so, yeah lol

Q: If you could collaborate with anyone right now - be it producer, poet, artist -who would it be?
Andre 3000, Nas and Lupe Fiasco. (you said 3 right?) I love them all as lyricist and artist. From their content to their deliveries. It would be great trying to stand next to them and create my own space as opposed to people saying, "yo, you're the dude that did the show with Nas right?" lol that's still happening today as a result of a show I did with Common

Q: Do you have to write in special conditions - e.g. indoors, after a meal, mornings or afternoon? Do you have a poem-writing routine?
there's no special way it goes down. whenever the feeling hits me, i hit it back.

Q: What are some words that describe you and your poetry?
intense, tough love, hard truth, exotic

Q: Do you prefer to freestyle or write?

Q: As of right now what is your best poem? Why?
whew, usually its always the last piece I wrote. since i am currently in love with the piece I'm working on now, i will choose what the people have chosen as a classic piece of mine called "Mirror Mirror." Its a hard truth about the state of black men and how we treat each other. it hits close to home and everyone can relate to it

Q: Do you remember your first poem?
whew, you know what...I don't lol
Q: What is a normal day like for you?
I wake up, cook breakfast, check emails, face, twitter, text messages, voice mails, hit the gym to workout, cook lunch, check emails, facebook, twitter, eat again, relax, watch movies, hang with fam, book shows, network. I'm blessed to have a pretty open day, but working out and eating are a big part of it. I write and work on show booking endlessly so, just depends on how much action I'm getting at a given time, oh, and whats new in the theater

Q: What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice sized and/or large crowd?
its beautiful! to see a ton of faces who showed up to see/hear me. I usually think to myself, "wow, am i really about to do this?!" and a little smile jumps on me, then its showtime! Having control of an entire theater or arena or what have you is an amazing feeling. When the crowd responds with standing ovations and screams and shouts in agreement..ahhh...there aren't words for that. It's a kind of love you feel in your chest, like when your man or lady hugs you hard or tells you that they love you, or your parents telling you how proud you make them, or someone in tears telling you that what you said to them changed their life. I guess I can say it feels tingly lol in the chest and stomach, warrior butterflies

Q: What has the most influence over what you talk about in your poems?
hmmm, mostly things that would be considered introspective. I like to look within myself an assess a situation from my own views and actions before i point fingers. I like to talk TO people, not AT them. so my shows are like a conversation with family and the stage is my living room. Therefore, I'm comfortable talking about any and everything, i don't write one type of way, or about one specific subject more than others, i just write what i feel and I feel I'm here to be a GREAT artist and influence in and on my craft. God blessed me with this gift to be a blessing to others, so I'm focused on completing that purpose

Q: What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the poetry industry?
work hard. stay true to yourself and your beliefs and your craft. out of 6.8 billion people on this planet, there's only one you, be you. network like there's no tomorrow

Q: What can we be looking out from you in the near future?
I'm currently writing for a new album. i may try my hand in modeling and acting more so, stay tuned

Extra Question just for my personal entertainment: Where was your best and/or favorite show performed? Why?
Mississippi State University! There was an energy down there that was as close to perfect as I have ever felt. it was a large crowd full of people who didn't quite know what was going to happen, but they were open. They ate up EVERY word! It was one of those shows where I could do know wrong, where every letter of every word comes out perfect and the audience doesn't miss a drop. Ask any artist, not just poets, any artist, that's what we call a dream show! When you leave sweaty, tired, drained, and you don't wanna do anything but eat and get some water in you, but you stay to sign autographs and shake hands and the hugs and kisses don't stop. I sold out of Cd's, people just wanted to be close to me, to touch me, like i was special for some reason. It was a rock star moment, the moment where I felt larger than life, but also realizing that it wasn't about me as much as it was about how the people felt, and that is whats most important. If I'm not relevant to the people I'm standing in front of then I'm not doing my job, PERIOD.

Want to book Future?
Call him: 810-449-9897
Become a Fan of his Facebook page!
ADD him on Facebook!

Future will also be doing a show at Mississippi State University September 28, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Recent Interview with → JaySkyy ←

Q: What’s up?
A: Chilling sweets, trying to make it. You good? [[I'm great :) As long as we both making moves to better ourselves]]

Q: As a rapper what do you feel like you can bring to the table in the rap game?
A: As a rapper I feel like I have it all. I could make a song about the struggles of life then turn around and make you wanna party. Basically what i'm saying is I can do it all.

Q: Do you believe Hip Hop is dead or once was? If so, why? And how do you feel as though it was is resurrected?
A: Hip-Hop never died in my eyes, it's just been waiting for that next big name to pull it foward.

Q: What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap?'
A: My motivation would honestly have to be my family. There's no better support out there besides that awesome support from the haters.

Q: What do you think makes a rapper “great”?
A: Easy..In my eyes a rapper is only great if what he is doing is really him/her. Most rappers seem to pretend in their lyrics. Being yourself will take you far.

Q: Your top five favorite rappers are…? Why?
A: 1. Andre 3000 would have to be my favorite because I really feel what he has to say. 2. Lil Wayne is just a person I grew up listening to. A top five isn't a top five without him. FREE WAYNE 3. Tupac, I mean what else do I have to say. "Musical Genius" as dude off of Coming to America would say. 4. Jay-z has had the lyrics from day one of his career. I find myself listening to the Jay-z from back in the G more though. 5. Rick Ross is a rapper that I feel has so much potential, plus all of his albums have been classics.

Q: If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?
A: If I could collab with anyone right now in the rap game it would have to be Wiz, simply because we both have similar interest.*Wink Wink*

Q: There are many types of rap from gangsta to old school, from west- to east-coast. Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of rap or are you branched out?
A: I feel as if i'm not a rapper but an artist, and artists' paints their feelings on a canvas. Lets just say the beat is my canvas.

Q: What are some words that describe you and your music?
A: Real, Cool, Motivating, and Humble.

Q: Do you prefer to freestyle or write?
A: Honestly I just started back writing a good month ago. I went on a freestyle streak for a good two years. I normally freestyle and just write what I remember down and go from there.

Q: What is a normal day like for you?
A: A normal day for me consist of beats, rillos (lol), and chilling with people close to me.

Q: What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice sized crowd?
A: When you're on that stage in front of a nice sized crowd all the focus is on you, its a make it or break it type of moment and I love that s**t. I love looking around to see how the people respond to my music, Good or Bad. I'll only go harder.

Q: What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?
A: I rap about things that I've been through, that way it is as real as possible.

Q: What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?
A: I would have to say that if you really want it then get it, the only person stopping you is you. Go hard at what you do, and be sure to stay true.

Q: What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?
A: Be looking out for my new Mixtape/Album that doesn't have a name as of now but will be completed end of July or early August. I'll also be dropping numerous videos for the time being.

Recent Interview with → Fatal ← 1/2 of the AV8Rs

Q: What’s up?
Shyt jz khillin gettin ready fo this performance today!

Q: As a rapper what do you feel like you can bring to the table in the rap game?
Alot foreal, i mean i only can bring wat i know, feel me? im a young dude but got alot of wisdom in me! i make GOOD muzik, Smoke muzik, Vibe Muzik, anything foreal

Q: A lot of people say “Hip Hop saved my life” is this statement true for you?
Partially, im a product of my enviroment... i did alot of stuff back in the day i aint so proud of but.. yu know im on past dat... so i guess yu can say hip~hop had sumthin to do wit dat

Q: What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap?
My Mother, My Kids, My Brothers, My Homies, also haters... i love em... it jz lets me know im doin sumthin rite... I shud only be worried wen dey NOT talkin bout me anymore

Q: What do you think makes a rapper “great”?
Alot of things, but mainly they're thoughts... If your thoughts are pointless & useless then wat does dat make yur muzik?

Q: Your Top 5 Favorite Rappers Are? And WHY?
Ok, my top 5 favorite rappers change ova tyme so imma do my Top 5 Ever & My Top 5 Now....
Now; 1. Wiz Khalifa 2. J Cole 3. Curren$y 4. Jeezy 5. Kid Cudi
Ever 1. Jay-Z 2. Wayne 3. Kanye 4. Boosie 5. Loso

Q: If I Could Collab With Anybody Right Now, Who Would It Be & Why?
Most likely it wud be khalifa... im feelin his muzik the strongest rite now... & spitta

Q: What Has The Most Influence over what you talk about in your songs?
My life... The things ive been through

Q: What Is a normal day like for you?
Im constantly promoting, tryna find new connects, new producers, artist to work with!!! Basically Just alot of grinding.... N of kourse... Marijuana &

Q: Do I prefer to freestyle or write?
Not everybody can be lil wayne or jay-z ... i write... datz when my skills are at its best. freestyle game is cold tho!

Q: What Are Some Words That Describe Your Music?
Real, Inspirational, Soulful, Fly,

Q: As Of Right Now What Is Your Best Song?
Ummmm i really dont have a BEST song.... but my favorite is a song from my upcoming mixtape "BackPack Muzik" itz called "Break Me"... Motivational muzik

Q: What Has The Most Influence Over What You Talk About In Your Songs?
Basically whatever i have on my mind... how im feelin at dat moment... i look at music as a way to vent . Clear my mind...

Q: What are some words of enxouragement you would say to anyoneelse trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?
Stay True To Yourself

Q: What Can We Be Looking Out For From You In The Future? Mixtapes, Singles, Videos?
Well first off if you dont have "First Semester: Aviation 101" you need to cop that ASAP! Shoutout 2 my Bruh "J Cannon" But other then that be on the lookout for some more videos from that mixtape coming real soon!!! And my Solo Mixtape will be here in the fall... anybody tryna work with me hit me up or my email

Monday, June 21, 2010

Recent Interview with → The Suite Escape

Q: What’s up?
→AARON: Nothing much, trying to get better at skateboarding but my knees and shins want me to quit.

Q: A lot of people say “Hip Hop saved my life” is this statement true for you?
→VIRG: I wouldn’t necessarily say hip hop but music, definitely. Its like my outlet, in every situation I turn to music its almost like a religion to me. I always say there’s a song for every situation.

Q: Do you believe Hip Hop is dead or once was? If so, why? And how do you feel as though it was is resurrected?
→VIRG: Not dead just evolving, which everything should. The hip hop my older brothers know shouldn’t be the same hip hop my 2 year old nephew grows up on, that would mean no progress is coming but every “Hip Hop Head” should know the roots of the art because if you don’t know where you came from you won’t know where you’re going. Sorry for going cliché on you.

Q: What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap?
→AARON: Just listening to other bands and seeing how far they’ve come and knowing we’re capable of doing it too.

Q: What are your thoughts on auto-tune and/or voice synthesizing?
→SEAN: I don’t like auto-tune, voice synthesizing is okay.

Q: Your top five favorite rappers are…? Why?
→VIRG: My top five favorite rappers? And these are in a particular order 5. C-Lo Green, Because, he’s really versatile and very lyrical and probably one of the most under-rated rappers of all time. 4. I will give to Malice and Pusha T, just because the next 3 are the greatest but they’re dope. 3. Kanye West, because he made being a college nerd that loves music cool and his lyrics are like nothing we ever heard before. 2 & 1 are the greatest group of all time Outkast 2 being Big Boi and 1 being Andre. I grew up on Outkast it was all the rap I knew probably until I got to middle school. I study Andre 3000 his delivery and rhyme scheme and it all. If I were a basketball Andre would be my Michael Jordan.

Q: If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?
→SEAN: N*E*R*D. No doubt about it, they’re our mentors in music and they don’t even know us yet. But they will.

Q: What are some words that describe you and your music?
→AARON: Awesome. SEAN: Alternative/Electronic/Rock. VIRG: The Muthafuggin Jizz!!!!!

Q: Do you prefer to freestyle or write?
→VIRG: The way I make lyrics is kind of different since we’re a band. Sometimes Aaron comes up with a riff and I’ll sit and write to that or Sean will strum a few chords and the way it makes me feel will tell me what to say, but most times we just jam and everyone freestyles. We made a song up once an hour before a show and decided to try to perform it was dope but I forgot the lyrics mid way through and ended up dancing like Jessica Simpson on Saturday Night Live on stage. I don’t recommend doing that to anyone.

Q: As of right now what is your best song?
→AARON: Toys, because it was one of our first songs and everyone who hears it loves it, even though Virg can’t sing. Lol.

Q: Who are your top 5 favorite Producers?
→SEAN: The Neptunes, Timbaland, Polow Da Don, Juicy J, Sledgren, Flying Lotus and The Gorillaz. I know that’s more than 5. lol

Q: What is a normal day like for you?
→AARON: Wake up, eat breakfast, play guitar, text some girls lol, then go back to sleep, CAUSE IM A ROCKSTAR!!!!!!! just playing.

Q: What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice sized crowd?
→AARON: It feels okay, I just wish we had more time on stage at our shows. SEAN: Good, the adrenaline rush is like nothing ive ever felt before. VIRG: I love the crowd, the bigger the better to me. I have a secret thing I do before we play big crowds, but I can’t tell you because it’s a secret.

Q: What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?
→VIRG: Just life stuff. I say make every situation a song. We do some political stuff though and just songs to chill with your friends while listening and skateboarding and ummm smoking.

Q: What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?
→SEAN: Do it for the money and the girls are very impressive as well. Lol

Q: What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?
→VIRG: We’re about to start back recording our album “Galaxy” in July, when Aaron gets back from “Vacation”. Until then though I’m working on a mixtape called “The Space Odyssey” now that should be done in August sometime. With all the production and beats done by Sean and its hosted by DJ Jump Fly, with appearances by Da A$tronautz and some sweet guitar shit by Aaron all of the F.O.O.T. Clan so yeah, we are a movement.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Da A$troNautz presents → The Book of A$tronomy

If you like real music this mixtape is definitely a SlickkkP coppable.!

CoMan &&& Sir FlyWalker gets it in down in Jackson, MS. The dynamic duo are also a part of the F.O.O.T Clan → A Ninja society of Class Clowns that have come to earth to make a movement in hip hop...sit back , light up, and take off. They making big moves and if you don't get up with them now, you'll just be a fan later.
Follow their group page on twitter NOW.!
Need beats?
Follow FlyWalkerBeatz NOW! &&& LISTEN!
Wanna see the A$tronautz in action?
be looking out for their newest mixtape → Nightmare on Square Street

New From FlyTimes.!

Thanks to FlyTimes Boutique in Mobile, AL [more] Revenge of the Snapbacks are taking place as you read this.! Check 'em out. Pick your fave &&& snap dat ish back.!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

J Cannon &&& Fatal - First Semester: Aviation 101

If you like real music this mixtape is definitely a SlickkkP coppable.!
J Cannon and Fatal hustle dey asses off in Lexington, KY. They making big moves and if you don't get up with them now, you'll just be a fan later.

*Click their names to be re-directed to their facebook pages
*Click @KuKluxKannon &&& @FatalMcFly to be re-directed to their twitter pages