Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Recent Interview with King David

Q: What’s up?
A: jus koolin...
Q: As a rapper what do you feel like you can bring to the table in the rap game?
A: I feel I can bring "southern" originality and Leadership in our community.
Q: What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap?
A: the lack of "POSITIVE" voices and original voices. too many people sell bricks and aint nobody catching cases...while they all on records "snitching" on "themselves"..smh
Q: What do you think makes a rapper “great”?
A: the ability 2 make the masses FEEL it...whatever "IT" maybe....
Q: How did it feel to first hear your music on the radio?
A: the 1st time I heard my song on the radio I felt "on my way". it was the start of something great. REACHING THE MASSES.
Q: If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?
A: Kanye West
Q: There are many types of rap from gangsta to old school, from west-to east-coast. Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of rap or are you branched out? 
A: My style of rap is a Mix of them all I think. Im from Alabama and we grew up on listening to all of them because there werent any rappers from where Im from.
Q: What are some words that describe you in regards to your music?
A: Agressive,in yo face,str8 2 the point,raw
Q: Do you prefer to freestyle or write?
A: I write.
Q: As of right now what do you feel like is your best song?
A: P.U.S.H. is my best. Its my LIFE STORY.
Q: If you could collab with any producer who would it be and why?
A: Im not caught up on NAME BRAND producers, if its a good record, I can rock with it. ya know?
Q: What is a normal day like for you?
A: Wake up, check emails,roll up,network on twitter/facebook,when my son gets home help him with anything he needs,eat dinner,and MAYBE hit da nightlife.
Q: What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?
A: Roaches..lmao...A.K.A. hatin ass lowlife muthafuckers.
Q: What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?
A: never give up! Dont worry about the people that dont like what you do,focus on the ones that love it. KEEP
Q: What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?
A: STILL Spraying Roaches EP/DVD coming this summer. "TABLES" the Movie coming 2012. And working with a few new artist to "Lordstyle Mafia Gang" coming soon
