Wednesday, June 1, 2011

JUNE Artist of the Month - Jay W. Grishby Jr. .designer.

A shallow look into the depths of Grishby:

"I’m bored. Bold. Outlandish. Rare. Evolving. Determined.  I’m currently channeling my anger, depression, brokenness, and lonesomeness into creations. Color is life. I dwell deeply within that life. But let me cut to the chase. I’m just a 20-year old aspiring designer with ugly feet and hands of wisdom that’s determined to abruptly establish myself in the fashion industry. Later this year I plan to showcase my 24 piece line entitled, Grishby. “All in a day’s work” will be the name of the show. The line’s inspiration is based around nature and a woman who is desperate to gain freedom. I design any and everything, from shoe laces to brooches to elegant gowns. Weird, lanky models will wear an array of looks in my show to exhibit the versatility of my design skills. Also, I will portray what fashion is to me and my personal design aesthetics. I like to describe myself as a weirdo. My favorite color is green. I’m only human and I love peanut butter crackers, but at the end of the day all I want is to be known for making beautiful clothes and to walk amongst the two-legged creatures who wear them." 
A preview of his threads:

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