Sunday, June 19, 2011

4:20 Sunday Special Interview with Rajeev W.

What’s up?
Man just celebrating the release of Bachelor Shit, enjoying that small feeling of triumph and, continuing to push that tape dude

As a rapper what do you feel like you can bring to the table in the rap game?
Im pretty good at making pasta dishes. I lived in Italy for 5 years so its definitely my favorite cuisine. Dont look at me to bring the wine though. I dont know whats good and whats not. To me, red wine tastes like grape juice with chalk in it. I wish it was thanksgiving already, I just want some baked turkey. pumpkin pie is always dope too. do they sell that all year? why dont they sell egg nog all year? it pisses me off.

A lot of people say “Hip Hop saved my life” is this statement true for you?
nahh, if anything I'd say skateboarding did that. I started skating back in 1998 and even though it got me in alot of random trouble. I know i wouldve got up to much worse if i was out doing hoodrat stuff with my friends

What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap?
I rap because I'm good at it. I feel like its a wasted opportunity if i dont at least try to take it to its maximum potential. The end goal is to get paid though. Im not one of these idiots doin it for the love and the art. be real. if thats your goal keep it in your moms basement. I'm too old to be spending THIS much time on something just for shits and giggles you know?

What do you think makes a rapper “great”?
Aside from amazing music...Having a great presence on the mic and on stage. some people just have horribly boring performances. I personally strive to make sure you wont forget seeing me perform. Also you should probably have at least 1-2 gold chains 3 pairs of nice sunglasses and a decent shoe collection and have a music video where you at least drive a nice car. then you'll be considered great

How did it feel to first hear your music on the radio?
Havent heard any tracks on the radio but its cool when i walk in the bar and its playing or when people that i dont know drive by with one of my songs loud as hell haha

If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?
I wanna say Jay-Z but I'm not ready for that. I wont even rhyme over any Reasonable Doubt beats yet. So probably Dr. Dre. Just have him do the beat, let Eminem write his verse, and BAM!! dope song right away!!

There are many types of rap from gangsta to old school, from west-to east-coast. Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of rap or are you branched out?
Alot of people categorize my music as chill music and alot of weedheads say they listen to me when they smoke. Thats dope, but i could rap anyway I wanted at any given point. It just depends on what im interested in. No lie, in college I was on some odd future/eminem super crazy stuff. but now im a grown ass man im gonna rhyme about stuff like girls, realizing your dreams, and random everyday stuff. anyone can really relate to this

Do you prefer to freestyle or write?
I write for the most part. my verses are pretty well structured and i like to look at them. i dont know maybe because im left handed. oddly enough WTF Up was almost entirely freestyled. I was super sick one morning and had a melody in my head so i just hit record and just kept flowing then when i finally got better i didnt even want to change it

As of right now what do you feel like is your best song?
Ohh tough one. Probably Cash All Year, or WTF Up. Margaritas & Gummybears is without a doubt the best song to perform though. I always get the whole bar rocking with that song its just so catchy

How many people are on your team and can you depend on them to give you honest opinions of your work?
Damn really its just me and Miles. He doesnt hesitate to tell me if he thinks something is kinda weak. I tell him the same about his beats. We've been homies for a long ass time now. We've been skating together for years now, way before either of us started doing music so nobodys feelings are getting hurt here. My DJ Demo is dope too though. He's the ultimate DJ/hypeman combo cuz if im ever super wasted he knows all the words too so he raps them while i catch my breath haha!

If you could collab with any producer who would it be and why?
Dr. Dre. Used to live in LA. The Dr. is the greatest.

What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?
The things i do in real life

What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?
find a new hobby or go to hell! hahaha fuck advice just do what you do. you either know...or you dont know.

What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?
Well Im gonna be pushing Bachelor Shit for a long time. Its hosted by DJ Don Cannon and executive produced by Super Miles so its amazing off top. I got a couple more videos for it on the way too so just keep your eyes posted!! Thanks for the interview and shout out all the Florida/Texas homies

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