Sunday, June 12, 2011

4:20 Sunday Special: Follow Up Interview with Virg

Do you remember the Interview I did with The Suite Escape? Well, here’s a follow-up interview with now solo artist Virg !

Tell me something good     
Ummm I just wore all black to a party. I don’t know if that’s good but it’s the last thing I did cool.

As an artist what makes your particular sound different than the next guy?
Hmmm. Well, what I think makes my sound totally different from anyone else’s are my influences in music. They’re very different, the genres are very different and no one artist is really the same. I just take the different ideas have of music and like and turn into music I love. believe authencity is key, always plus, im not just playing to capture a certain fan base. I want to make music the world will hear.

What made you feel like you needed to go solo?       
There was no specific instance or situation. i just like to make music.

What is h.a.z.e?
H.a.z.e is for the world. Like a way of life. Hippies Acquire Zero Emotion. a positive message when the world needs one. “peace, love and music” Ive always been a hippie at heart because I can relate to the lifestyle.

What motivates you?
My love of music.

Did you leave The Suite Escape on good terms?
Definitely. Sean was like a brother to me before we started making music together and Aaron was my homie and music brought us all together. Sean’s, making super dope beats (shouts to the eons) and Aaron’s jammin gospel music all around Mississippi. I’ll forever be grateful to my bandmates for introducing me to my musical talent.

How did it feel to first hear your music on the radio?
It ‘s funny cause the first time I heard myself on the radio I had produced to the show, but it was awesome. It made me realize why produce radio shows, when radio shows could produce me lol. Shouts to my professor mr. sanders

It’s a year later ; Your top five favorite rappers are…?      
Top five? That’s a TUF one. Everybodys rappin’ hard right now! In no particular order though Kid Cudi, Kanye West, Wayne, Big Sean and Rob Roy

If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?       
Jimi Hendrix!!!!!!

There are many types of rap from gangsta to old school, from west-to east-coast, Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of rap or are you branched out?      
Definitely branched out. I feel like sometimes if I called myself a rapper it would be offensive to rappers, like if music was sports rapping would be major league baseball and what I do would be golf. Im just a cool motherfucker with a swing.

What does being a member of the FOOT Clan mean to you?
To mean the FOOT Clan is what the name says a foot and the music industry is the body. A group of up and coming artist making dope music and making our name in the industry, almost trying to tattoo ourselves on the body. But unsigned artist is what the music industry stands, walks on. Because we’re important without us there is no hope for a future in music because there will no longer be an industry without new faces. Without the foot the body cant stand.

As if right now, what do you feel like is your best song?
“Last Stop” it’s kind of about a subject I rarely touch on but it came directly from inside and spent time on the wordplay and writing process

How many people are on your team and can you depend on them to give you honest opinions of your work?      
They definitely do. But a number I really couldn’t say. But my manager and my h.a.z.e family has shown me selfless support

If you could collab with any producer who would it be and why?
@BoyGeniusbeats and @Optimuspride definitely. Shouts to one of the dopest producers out though @EXPressforever we collab the most and I wouldn’t be getting as dope as I am with this music without his sounds

What is a normal day like for you?
“smoke and make music ima modern day hippie” , I just started an internship with a marketing firm this week though so that may have to change for a while, but just a while lol

What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice-sized crowd?
I love the crowd, live for the crowd even. The crowd is the heart of music.

What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?          
Stay positive, always!!!!

What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?
Im easing into the mixtape arena, it had to grow on me because im a rocker at heart and I had to figure out a right way to combine the two without losing my own personal edge. But surely that’s coming, I scream “quality over quantity” from the mountain top. But ive been working closely with an indie label getting the feel of the industry before I jump head first into it, because with ignorance comes failure. And music is what signed up for for life so why know every essence of the trade. But ive been working on a few h.a.z.e songs to put out sooner than later, just waiting on the right time to release them
