Tuesday, June 28, 2011

YoungstaThe80sBaby Featuring $Young Heavy$ - Throw This Money

Throw This Money Featuring $Young Heavy$ 'The Ladies Choice' by YoungstaThe80sBaby

Pinky - Bands On Me

CBE - Marvin's Room Remix

What's Hot? Proper Gnar Clothing !

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FlyWalker Beatz → Strobe Lights



DJ Khaled Feat Rick Ross, Lil Wayne & Drake - Im On One

Polyester The Saint - Somethin Ta Creez To

TITS Tuesday $10 Deal !


Song of the Day - Yo Gotti 'Rico'

High Points of the 2011 BET Awards

Sunday, June 26, 2011

4:20 Sunday Special Interview with Trey Parker

What’s up?
Im great! Just got through wrestling with a three piece from popeyes but other than that I'm good lol.. How bout yaself?
As of right now what do you feel like is your best song? MY BEST SONG IS ALL OF EM LOL.. but MY FAVORITE ONE FOR THE MOMENT IS "NICKI" CHECK IT OUT HERE'S THE LINK! ---> http://hulkshare.com/1vrwdspixmjn
As a rapper what do you feel like you can bring to the table in the rap game?
I can bring substance! Something to make you smile,laugh,and think! Something that you can learn from! Timeless music. Yo grandbabies gone be talkin bout Trey Parker. Pay attention people!
What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap?The people I surround myself is what really motivates. I love someone who has strong ambition!That makes me want to work 10xs harder than whatever I expect of my self in the long run which is basically limitless. I never settle for words like "good", "great", and "perfect".I only believe in whatever's after perfection. That way if I ever fall short I'll damn near be perfect on my worst day. I'll never half ass anything. If all I got to do is mop the floor then Ima mop the shit outta dat Flo! lol...
What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?Personal experiences. I'm a extremely emotional person and I think that feeds my music more than anything else. I love creating music about all aspects of life but my favorite lines come from the songs where I paint a certain struggle I've had throughout my life. I love these more so than anything else probably because of the people who tell me they can relate to the message I was talkin about. There's nothing more satisfying than reaching someone deeply with your vision and words.

What is a normal day like for you?
I kick puppies every mornin! lmaoo... Naw but personally I dont think I have any normal days lol.. My life is pretty hectic. There's no time to relax when you're trying to accomplish what im aiming to achieve. I guess when I do get a chance to relax a normal day would consist of watching my favorite anime Dragonballz and listening to great music from other artists I admire. It doesnt last long though, cuz I'll just thinking I'm slipping and not grinding like I should. Basically I'll end up working on material again lol..

There are many types of rap from gangsta to old school, from west-to east-coast. Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of rap or are you branched out? I could never be boxed in to any genre! I'm a student of "MUSIC", meaning I'm deeply rooted in every aspect of the culture. I could'nt do one thing if I wanted too! lol..My parents brought me up on all types of music. Soul,r&b,pop,country,hiphop you name I've heard it all and loved it! I'm a Jazz trumpet major in college. I'm exposed to so many different types of music that it further more makes me want to take on all of it. I might spit a cold verse and play the banjo right after it LOL....

Your top five favorite rappers are…? Why? Very hard to pick a top five emcees but I'll give dat shit a shot lol.. If a pistol was held to my dome I would have to say Kanye West,Andre 3000, Notorious B.I.G.,Eminem, and last but not least Ludacris. I respect these artists heavily when it comes to style,delivery,lyricism, and content. Now as far as new cats doin they thang In the game right now I'd go with Big Sean,J.cole,and Big Krit straight for the sip!

What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice-sized crowd? It feels like when you're at the very top of a roller coaster and you hit dat first drop! Ya know? lol.. It's really indescribable. I love getting in front of people and performing. I've been that way since I was a kid. My Mama always had me in front of people doin something! She'd be like.."go do dat dance,sang that song, cut dat grass...lmao..sorry bout that last one lol.. I would honestly say I feel more comfortable in front of a huge crowd than when I'm alone. I was built to entertain. On another note there nothing like spitting to a crowd of folk and they rappin the words back to you! Oh dat just do somethin to me! Make me wanna go kick a puppy or something!

If you could collab with any producer who would it be and why?
Kanye West! I feel that my style can't fit into a box and I know he could tailor my sound to anything. Kanye West is one of the many reasons why I started rapping seriously.
Do you prefer to freestyle or write? I prefer both. I gain different things from each of them. I love to write when I'm in a certain mood and just let the pen flow on the paper until it runs dry. Freestyling on the other hand is so spontaneous and its helps with random thoughts. I've ran across some of the best lines of my life by mistake because of freestyling lol. I encourage all emcees to explore both writing and freestyling. It's great to be good at one of two but when you master both you could become a serious weapon in the game!
What do you think makes a rapper “great”? I think giving back knowledge to the people who support your music is what makes a "great" rapper. When someone can come back to you say "hey i learned so and so because of your song" is when you can consider yourself great. Not all the greatest rappers in the world sell the most records but they do deliver a message to the people that ultimately makes us a better person.

Do you believe Hip Hop is dead or once was? If so, why? And how do you feel as though it was is resurrected? I dont think I've ever believed hiphop was dead. It may have slipped into the brinks of death but never has it died. As long as people like me breathe it'll never die. I think people get too caught up in what they consider to be hiphop. I dont have a problem with dance songs being as popular as they are but it becomes a problem when there's so substance to be found in all music. Lupe Fiasco is a great example of why hipHop will never die. Even if it was dying there are alot of cats out there such as myself who are bringing it back to it's max potential!

What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game? Stay true to yourself. If somebody tell you what you doin aint right tellem to "FUCK OFF!" Excuse my language but that's how it is out there. If I listened to everything people told me wouldnt work because it seemed too off the wall I would'nt be where I am today! People are too busy trying to find the element to being hot and what's in these days when they already have what they need to succeed. Themselves! Be yourself and you win everytime.

What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?
FOLLOW ME on twitter @TREYPARKERMUSIC to stay Updated! Official website coming soon! tHANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO INTERVIEW ME, MUCH LOVE.. TREY P.

Starlito - At War With Myself - Grind Hard
