Tuesday, May 15, 2012

LRA Top Commander Captured Alive

Caesar Achellam Captured Alive.
Over the weekend one of Joseph Kony's top three commanders was captured. Caesar Achellam has been with Joseph Kony and the LRA for more than two decades. He was captured Saturday by Ugandan forces in the Central African Republic (CAR) along with a wife, a daughter, and a 12-year-old girl.
In early interviews, Achellam said, "My coming out will have a big impact for the people still in the bush to come out and end this war soon." 
You have made LRA violence an issue that merits global attention. Thank you for your diligent efforts. Capturing Caesar Achellam is a victory in every sense. It is proof that the remaining LRA commanders can be captured alive and it is an important opportunity to encourage members of the LRA to surrender peacefully. Visit our blog to find out more about Achellam's role in the LRA and the significance of his capture.