Saturday, January 8, 2011

J.Beale's First #TUF Appearance + Interview, Pics & Vids

J.Beale & Big G “All I Need"”
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Q: What’s up? A: Grinding like always. I got a couple days off for the holidays to spend with the family but now its back to business I hope everything is 100 on your end thanks for having me.
Q: As a rapper what do you feel like you can bring to the table in the rap game? A: First and foremost I don’t consider myself a rapper. I am a musician. I write, rap, sing, produce, and engineer so I bring all of those aspects to the game. As far as my ability to rap I feel like the industry has been missing real content from real life experiences of a young man and that’s what I bring to the table.

Q: A lot of people say “Hip Hop saved my life” is this statement true for you? A: I would definitely say Hip Hop saved my life because music is my life…I dropped out of college after my first year to pursue my music career and I came home and turned straight to the streets. I feel like what ever I would have put my mind to would have worked out for me but music has been in me my whole life.
Q: What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap? A: My family and Money motivates me. We’ve came from nothing so naturally I feel like its up to me to get my family into a better situation. I have a hustlers mentality and I am a business man so the money will always motivate me until im dead and gone. I have a story to tell the world and through music is the best way to get a message across to the public. Certain messages are best portrayed through singing and others through rap so me having the gift to do both is a blessing.
Q: If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be? A: Wiz Khalifa…That session would be loud all wild haha

Q: There are many types of rap from gangsta to old school, from west- to east-coast. Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of rap or are you branched out? A: I create my own lane. Critics are going to struggle to cage me into one genre. I could drop a crazy hip hop record today, next week an r&b smash, and then the next week a pop club banger…its all about my life experiences I can relate to the huslters as well as college kids and im always going to cater to the ladies.
Q: What are some words that describe you in regards to your music? A: Cutting Edge, Reality, I feel like my music reflects the new age indie grind…
Q: Do you prefer to freestyle or write? A: I prefer to write but if the weed is good enough I mite go off the top who knows haha.
Q: If you could collab with any producer who would it be and why? A: It would have to be Timboland. He’s from VA too and hes still the hottest producer in the game after all these years he has evolved with the trends of music but yet still managed to stay ahead of the game. If I ever get a chance to work with him it will be a Hit I promise you that.
Q: What is a normal day like for you? A: As soon as I open my eyes every morning I thank God for blessing me with another day. Then I get online and check emails for about 30 minutes. The first part of my day is always business. I have my own company “The Control Panel” TCP for short so im constantly on the grind. And if im not at home writing and recording in my home studio then Im in Alexandria, VA at MidiEast studios putting in work. So you could say I work all day.
Q: What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice-sized crowd? A: Its all butterflies until I hit the stage once I see my fans and their reaction im good to go. Its the chemistry I have with my fans that is the best feeling ever.

Q: What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs? A: LIFE…Everything and I mean EVERYTHING in my music comes from experience. I want my fans to know who I am. I want them to feel my passion and my grind because at the end of the day im doin this for my fans.
Q: What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game? A: You have to have a goal. Once you set that goal focus all your energy into it and don’t stop until you have reached it. It sounds cliché but it’s the best advise ive ever got and it works. Life is more than the rap game to me ive lived 21 years of life out here in the real world.
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Q: What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos? A: You can be looking out to mixtapes, singles, and videos. 2011 is my year believe that.

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