Friday, January 14, 2011

Exclusive Interview with Tennille #TUF's first FEMALE ARTIST interview !

What’s up?
Me. Neva sleepin.

As an artist what do you feel like you can bring to the table in music industry?
Well, I'm not trying to be famous, or a celebrity, I mean it. And my stories are real.

A lot of people say “Hip Hop saved my life” is this statement true for you?
I'd like to think I might be apart of saving hip hops life, even if its in the most minute way in the grand scheme
Do you believe Hip Hop is dead or once was? If so, why? And how do you feel as though it was is resurrected?
I think the message has changed and I think it has been misrepresented, but its an energy, energy doesn't cease to exist. If there's one "hip hop" artist left in the world out of a billion, then that shit is still alive and well.

What motivates you? And/or → Why do you express yourself through music?
Weed motivates me. I express myself through music because it's a challenge to me, but I feel like at the end when I execute the messages I try to deliver, whether people fuck wit my shit or not, Im rewarded. When I approach a new beat or instrumental its like a test in school, when I do it right, its like gettin an A. When I fail it tells me I have to study harder.

What do you think makes an artist “great”?

Simply being sincere. Whether they're talking politics or lemonade ice, if they mean it, and it comes directly from their stomach, not just a translation of what they think they should be doing, they're doin the right thing.

If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?
Gil scott heron

There are many types of urban music from gangsta to old school, from west- to east-coast. Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of or are you branched out?
I think i might be a little bit of all those genres, but I dont usually gage how strong my presence is in any of those. I do me, and if I happen to fall in any of those categories... thats nice haha. I do want to build a little more of my dancehall music though..

What are some words that describe you in regards to your music?
Ambiant, smoke friendly, gender friendly.

Do you prefer to freestyle or write?
I don't freestyle, not verbally, my brain doesn't work like that. Writing things out and making plans are apart of my ritual. I do freestyle melodically however, harmonies I can spit out off top of the dome piece..

As of right now what do you feel like is your best song?
Hmm cant really say on a permanent level, my favorite changes, I think right now today, its my joint "signs" with Like and Mibbs of pac div, I got a little bit of jazz and rap and cussin and freaky shit and pretty melodies all sprinkled on that track. And we all I feel were real honest. I like that.

If you could go back and change anything about your music would you? Why?
Nothin.. I don't think mistakes should be changed I think they should be learned from, if I changed anything I did in the past I wouldn't be who I am as an artist, and I like who I am as an artist.

If you could collab with any producer who would it be and why?
DOOM. For sure... I believe he's the best.

What is a normal day like for you?
I get up, drink tea, smoke a blunt, I usually make something like a camera or an ashtray or something equally random, Cook something, lurk on the internet, write a list, meditate in my own way, lurk around for beats and ideas to stem inspiration from, and of course write music.

What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice-sized crowd?
It's odd. I feel comfortable around large crowds, because I'm usually in another place mentally. Sometime you really have to pull an audience's teeth to give them permission to rock wit your performance. I aint mad at it.

What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?
True stories I've experienced or a close friend has experienced.

What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to do what you do?
Everything you think is, is usually not. The key is to be yourself as hard as you can in the most pragmatic way. Think about what you want to accomplish, if you want longevity if you trying to deliver a message, whatever the motive may be. But nurture your art, like your in school, shouldn't need a teacher to tell you to study, especially if your studying you and who you want to be and who you are. It really isn't complicated to get all the things done you want to if you spend time and deserve it. So deserve it, and then all the other shit you need will fall into your lap.

What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?
Yesss I've got an album coming out this year, title will be announced soon, video visuals for a few of my songs as well as songs I've featured on are coming too. :)
