Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Invisible Children Cover the Night - Mission 3 of 5

Welcome to Mission #3:

Today we're reaching out to four key world leaders who have the ability to provide game changing support to the African Union effort to stop LRA violence.  So we're all taking to the world wide web, no matter where we're from, and showing this quartet a little Twitter love.
Use these sample tweets to encourage these leaders to increase their support and see this effort all the way though.The LRA is an international threat, and it's going to take international collaboration to stop their atrocities.
U.S. President - Barack Obama
 Step up and lead the world to stop Kony's crimes this year #KONY2012 #[yourcountry]
EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs - Catherine Ashton
 Step up and declare new support for efforts to stop Kony's crimes this year #KONY2012 #[yourcountry]
UK Prime Minister - David Cameron
 Step up and declare new support for efforts to stop Kony's crimes this year #KONY2012 #[yourcountry]
French President - Nicolas Sarkozy
@NicolasSarkozy Step up and declare new support for efforts to stop Kony's crimes this year #KONY2012 #[yourcountry]

We're halfway through our advocacy week and we aren't slowing down. See you tomorrow for the next mission.
Over and out.
