Thursday, October 21, 2010

Recent Interview with Devin Kryptonite → 1/4 of Jackson, MS's own B.O.M.B Squad!!

Q: What’s up?  
→Besides old men that take viagra?......nothin just chillen....whats up with you?
Q: As a rapper what do you feel like you can bring to the table in the rap game?   
→ where do i start........The south, especially Mississippi has a bad rep when it comes to Hip Hop ......if it aint Country Music or Lil Boosie.....they dont want to hear it..... i feel like we could change that....make mississippi more mainstream and respect......ya feel me?.......  by the way lil boosie is pretty bumpin haha 
Q: A lot of people say “Hip Hop saved my life” is this statement true for you?
→Well Crime Mob's "knuck if you Buck" song got me once ready for a fight i won......haha Thanks HipHop......your my hero
Q: Do you believe Hip Hop is dead or once was? If so, why? And how do you feel as though it was is resurrected?  
→Nah... Hip Hop aint dead.... it just evolved overtime....some think for the better...some say worse....i think the only time hip hop will when its not "hip" Hop....haha get it? question
Q: What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap?
→I started off as a dancer....Me and my homie Krazjohn thats in Bombsquad with me now used to create dances on YouTube.....with 8 Million Views..... and no Paycheck......we decided it was time we stop being in the background....and show people our true talent
Q: What do you think makes a rapper “great”?
→Learning his/her own style.......dont try to be like anyone else....if you are not lyrical...dont be....stay in your own lane....if you are.....kill em with your punch lines....... once you have figured out who you are everything else is just a matter of putting your thoughts on paper......just make sure ya moms dont see em hahah... you might get that ass whooped if you a younging and you cursin
Q: What are your thoughts on auto-tune and/or voice synthesizing?  
I dont have a problem with is music.....ofcourse natural talent kicks ass......but so does steroids......
Q: Your top five favorite rappers are…? Why?  
→1. Kanye- i feel like he speaks for me......he understands me.... 2-5 Belongs to bombsquad -because i said so
Q: If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?  
→Lady Gaga...... hahaha ....What Tay??? just looking out for my pockets...ya feel me
Q: There are many types of rap from gangsta to old school, from west- to east-coast. Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of rap or are you branched out?
...... i could be marketed as many...i adapt to my surroundings....but as far as lightskin..but i will throw them hands......i kno you feel me tay.......yo light skinned ass
Q: What are some words that describe you and your music? →Real.....Full......Lyrical......Energetic......UpTempo....Make you wanna slap yo Moma
Q: Do you prefer to freestyle or write?  
→Freestyle'n is cool.....but if you sit me down with a pen..... i would make history
Q: As of right now what is your best song? 
→The song we have that gets the most attention has to be "9 to 5"....... But i think "Villians" is my comes straight from the heart 
Q: Who are your top 5 favorite producers?  
→1. The ones that give us Free Beats 2.Vybe 3. Kane 4. Superstar O 5. A.E.  
Q: If you could collab with any one of them who would it be and why? 
→Uh.... the ones that are free!.....they make me smile.....send your beats to .....
Q: What is a normal day like for you? 
→....Hop up out the beeddd turn my swagg on...... put $5 dollars in my gas tank......cuz im broke as fuh......... BUT thats gone change
Q: What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice sized crowd?  
→Im not going to lie. I get extra nervous before every show. Big or small, But its the most awesomest thing ever. Escpecially when they know the words.
Q: What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?  
→Haters, Girls, Money, Religion.
 Q: What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?  
→No one is out here to help you.  Make sure you prepare yourself for the bs you will face....stay lively......because its some voltures out there paitently waiting
Q: What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?  
→14 kids......3 nah.... Hopefully i will mature more as an artist.....and you will see Bombsquad on every tv channel ......hell......even Animal planet....but in a good way tho.... not on no mike vick ish....haha

Once again, thank you for answering these questions. NO THANK YOU!......BY THE WAY...... #tuf is the shit!.....#bow 

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