Sunday, December 26, 2010

Noah Jones' first appearance on TUF & Exclusive Interview !!

Q: What’s up?
A: How are you? I appreciate you taking the time out to interview me. It means alot to me and my fanbase.

Q: As a rapper what do you feel like you can bring to the table in the rap game?
A: A diverse outlook on the way music is created and the interaction i want to continue to have with the people that love my music. To elaborate i believe that artists should keep in contact with the people that make them famous, the fans. Artists tend to blow up and rope themselves off from the other local artists that haven't had a shot yet. They only tend to focus on who's on their success level at that particular time. I feel that its wrong to do that and they should (for a smaller fee) still work with the up and comers.

Q: A lot of people say “Hip Hop saved my life” is this statement true for you?
A: I wouldn't say it saved my life but it kept me extremely occupied. It helped me meet some important people but helped me lose some equally important people in my life as well.

Q: Do you believe Hip Hop is dead or once was? If so, why? And how do you feel as though it was is resurrected?
A: I feel the traditional way people got successful is dead. Hip Hop as a whole is suffering because we are losing our outlets which once gave us a voice like MTV B.E.T. and radio. I remember rushing home from school and work to see the new videos and the new artists tryna come out. Thats not the case anymore. Unreal reality t.v. has taken over. They are even shutting down hiphop websites now as well. Radio especially west coast radio is all PAY TO PAY and because the music industry is suffering we cant get on the radio which gives artists a huge audience. It gives the artists hope that they can provide for their families and encourage other new artists to grind to achieve that goal. Knowing we cant get on radio doesnt give us much to work towards careerwise these days.

Q: What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap?
A: I'm motivated by life around me and the feeling that i get that i'm right on the edge of actually blowing up. When i send the listeners links to my music and they say they love it its very motivating and encouraging.I dont send my music to people i know unless they are in my direct network (my dj and actual family) I send my music to new listeners so i get honest feedback. The local hear about me via someone else like "Yo Noah's first music video has over 18,000 youtube views" i don't tell them because they will confuse informing them of something with bragging so i dont bother. I rap because its a part of me and who i am. I express myself in song format.

Q: What do you think makes a rapper “great”?
A: When he not only has all the elements like a good flow, beat selection etc but when he is humble enough to take time out to address everyone in a non-hollywood manner. If i can respect an artists motives and mind as well as his music he or she is great in my opinion.

Q: How did it feel to first hear your music on the radio?
A: it was insane. I was arguing on the phone with the mother of my children in 2005 when my song came on. We both immediately stopped fighting and started celebrating. Being on the radio has the ability to change peoples lives which is why its so important.

Q: Your top five favorite rappers are…? Why?
A: Big Daddy Kane because he's the one who influenced me to rap. Drake because it seems like all his music is enjoyable. Theres too many things about drake i think are dope. 50 cent because of what he did in his music career in such a short time with his buzz and business decisions. Juelz santana because his voice and his delivery always get me hype. Finally Ludacris because he's not in a box musically and can create all forms and varieties,from fast rapping to emotional,club or street.

Q: If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?
A: I would like to collab with Drake and Jcole on the same record. If you listen to the songs i have with Crooked i, Nipsey Hussle, Jay Rock, Glasses Malone, and Knocturnal it would obvious that i can pretty much lyrically compete with anyone. So having those two on one record to test my pen game would really be epic!

Q: There are many types of rap from gangsta to old school, from west-to east-coast. Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of rap or are you branched out?
A: I'm considered to have a bi-coastal flow because i was born and raised in new york and moved to cali. So i still have somewhat of an east coast accent. I have collabed with some up and comers and hot relevant artists on both coasts recently in order to maintain my popularity.

Q: What are some words that describe you in regards to your music?
A: Inspirational,witty,motivating,clever,talented,hungry and most of all Tireless. I released 5 albums in the last 365 days "THE MISSING PROJECT", "THE INCINERATOR","THEY LABEL ME A MONSTER","THE EXPENDABLES",and "CINEMATIC"

Q: Do you prefer to freestyle or write?
A: I prefer to write because i am better at it.On the right beat in my zone though i can really do damage freestyling though.

Q: As of right now what do you feel like is your best song?
A: I cant answer what a feel is best because they all are so personal to me. I can say that N E WAY U WANT is my most successful do to all the youtube plays though.

Q: If you could collab with any producer who would it be and why?
A: Dr.Dre because i live on the west coast and if i can have everyone where i live at in my corner what would stop me? I have a very unique mind and an even more interesting approach to my tactics and strategies when it comes to my music career.

Q: What is a normal day like for you?
A: Arguing with the mother of my kids, being on twitter promoting till i get locked out (twitter jail) during my lock out i either record,do interviews,advertise on another social medial outlet,make business calls, give advice to other unappreciative artists,spend time with my kids, and at night i head out to the big shows to network. Shouts to J COLE for giving me his contact info (type in Noah Jones and Jcole on youtube)

Q: What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice-sized crowd?
A: If they are feeling you then its amazing! If they aren't it can be a very tense and nervous moment that feels like time stands still. I had a few of those in my earlier years before i learned what type of records are best to perform in front of a crowd.

Q: What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?
A: My past,present, and future!

Q: What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?
A: Invest in yourself and spend money on getting yourself out there to the masses. Getting things free wont get you far in the entertainment industry. No one wants to work with a broke ass artist who brags on what they got for free and uses other peoples hard work to sneak in the game without earning it. Get your Buzz up and make yourself popular.

Q: What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?
A: I have quite a few videos in production but i don't wanna spoil it so currently i have a video for N E WAY U WANT which was filmed in Montreal Canada. Next i'm releasing MONSTER featuring Charlie Clips, an up and coming battle rapper with an equally impressive resume from New York. The song was produced by Jimi Kendrix a multi-platinum producer that has worked with Jay-Z, 50,Cent and a list of other greats. After that i'm releasing a video for a song called Patron song which features producer/singer Sheven who plays the drums in Bill Cosby's rock group. since i released 5 albums in the last 365 i'm focusing on getting my visual out there and promoting my current work. So no mixtapes in the immediate near future but random songs and freestyles will be available.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Recent Interview with → J Cannon ← 1/2 of the AV8Rs


Q: What’s up?

Chillin my dawg, bangin my homie Jalin Roze’s ep somewhere deep in #chinatown.




Q: A lot of people say “Hip Hop saved my life” is this statement true for you?

It aint saved my life yet, but I sure as hell hope it does. Otherwise a lot of the decisions im making now are just gonna remain bad decisions, and not turn into funny memories.

67777_160882433945938_100000725480207_338358_3858403_nQ: What do you think makes a rapper “great”?

What truly makes a rapper great in my eyes is his ability to connect with his audience. It doesn’t matter how lyrical you are or how hard ya punchlines are as long as whoever is listening feels what you’re saying.

Q: How did it feel to first hear your music on the radio?

Man every single time one of my songs has played on the radio I’ve missed it. So……


Q: Your top five favorite rappers are…? Why?

If fatal hadn’t already made the Dylan, Dylan, Dylan joke I definitely would. But he did. So I’m not even gonna list my top 5. Sorry everyone Fatal fucked it up for yall. Haha.

Q: If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?

I would definitely do a song with Diddy, just so that nigga could diddy bop in the video.


Q: There are many types of rap from gangsta to old school, from west- to east-coast. Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of rap or are you branched out?

I’m in a very experimental stage in my music right now, i’m trying to figure out where I feel the most comfortable. The only stream I will always be in is the Real talk stream.

Q: What are some words that describe you in regards to your music?

Refreshing and monstrous.

Q: Do you prefer to freestyle or write?

Neither. I don’t write, but I don’t freestyle either. I just like to think of what im gonna say and then say. That way im actually speaking, and my words have more meaning behind them. Im a rapper, not a reader. So why would I read my raps off a paper?

Q: As of right now what do you feel like is your best song?

Q: What is the Ill movement? Do you think that has hindered your music or made it blossom?

The reason Barack Obama made healthcare free. ILL shit. If it wasn’t for the ILL, the AV8Rs would have never been born.

Q: If you could collab with any producer who would it be and why?

Kanye. What kinda question is that?

Q: What is a normal day like for you?

A lotta smoking, a lotta #chinatown, a lotta rillos, a lotta undercover phone calls, a lotta hoes, a lotta music. #blackoutpower.68837_160882457279269_100000725480207_338360_8100228_n

Q: What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice-sized crowd?

It feels like the first time you finally get tht girl you’ve been hollin at for like 3 weeks.

Q: What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?

Im easily influenced by the niggas im around. *drizzy voice*


Q: What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?

Make your goal to shit on everyone. Because there will always be someone to shit on, and your work will never be done.

Q: What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?

Right now we’re in the middle of Holiday Seazon; a period of time in which AV8R Music will be releasing singles & videos for free. After that, me and Fatal are releasing our second collaborative mixtape “Academic Probation”. All in ya mouth.


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Download First Semester: Aviation 101 NOW!

Winners Circle x Jeny

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rajeev - Chinese Food

This is Rajeev's first time on #TUF so let's show him some TUF-love!


DOWNLOAD Rajeev's CHINESE FOOD mixtape! Featuring a #TUF veteran @Sir_Flywalker!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Recent Interview with Devin Kryptonite → 1/4 of Jackson, MS's own B.O.M.B Squad!!

Q: What’s up?  
→Besides old men that take viagra?......nothin just chillen....whats up with you?
Q: As a rapper what do you feel like you can bring to the table in the rap game?   
→ where do i start........The south, especially Mississippi has a bad rep when it comes to Hip Hop ......if it aint Country Music or Lil Boosie.....they dont want to hear it..... i feel like we could change that....make mississippi more mainstream and respect......ya feel me?.......  by the way lil boosie is pretty bumpin haha 
Q: A lot of people say “Hip Hop saved my life” is this statement true for you?
→Well Crime Mob's "knuck if you Buck" song got me once ready for a fight i won......haha Thanks HipHop......your my hero
Q: Do you believe Hip Hop is dead or once was? If so, why? And how do you feel as though it was is resurrected?  
→Nah... Hip Hop aint dead.... it just evolved overtime....some think for the better...some say worse....i think the only time hip hop will when its not "hip" Hop....haha get it? question
Q: What motivates you? And/or → Why do you rap?
→I started off as a dancer....Me and my homie Krazjohn thats in Bombsquad with me now used to create dances on YouTube.....with 8 Million Views..... and no Paycheck......we decided it was time we stop being in the background....and show people our true talent
Q: What do you think makes a rapper “great”?
→Learning his/her own style.......dont try to be like anyone else....if you are not lyrical...dont be....stay in your own lane....if you are.....kill em with your punch lines....... once you have figured out who you are everything else is just a matter of putting your thoughts on paper......just make sure ya moms dont see em hahah... you might get that ass whooped if you a younging and you cursin
Q: What are your thoughts on auto-tune and/or voice synthesizing?  
I dont have a problem with is music.....ofcourse natural talent kicks ass......but so does steroids......
Q: Your top five favorite rappers are…? Why?  
→1. Kanye- i feel like he speaks for me......he understands me.... 2-5 Belongs to bombsquad -because i said so
Q: If you could collab with anyone right now who would it be?  
→Lady Gaga...... hahaha ....What Tay??? just looking out for my pockets...ya feel me
Q: There are many types of rap from gangsta to old school, from west- to east-coast. Do you see yourself stagnant in one stream of rap or are you branched out?
...... i could be marketed as many...i adapt to my surroundings....but as far as lightskin..but i will throw them hands......i kno you feel me tay.......yo light skinned ass
Q: What are some words that describe you and your music? →Real.....Full......Lyrical......Energetic......UpTempo....Make you wanna slap yo Moma
Q: Do you prefer to freestyle or write?  
→Freestyle'n is cool.....but if you sit me down with a pen..... i would make history
Q: As of right now what is your best song? 
→The song we have that gets the most attention has to be "9 to 5"....... But i think "Villians" is my comes straight from the heart 
Q: Who are your top 5 favorite producers?  
→1. The ones that give us Free Beats 2.Vybe 3. Kane 4. Superstar O 5. A.E.  
Q: If you could collab with any one of them who would it be and why? 
→Uh.... the ones that are free!.....they make me smile.....send your beats to .....
Q: What is a normal day like for you? 
→....Hop up out the beeddd turn my swagg on...... put $5 dollars in my gas tank......cuz im broke as fuh......... BUT thats gone change
Q: What does it feel like to perform in front of a nice sized crowd?  
→Im not going to lie. I get extra nervous before every show. Big or small, But its the most awesomest thing ever. Escpecially when they know the words.
Q: What has the most influence over what you talk about in your songs?  
→Haters, Girls, Money, Religion.
 Q: What are some words of encouragement you would say to anyone else trying to make a come-up in the rap-game?  
→No one is out here to help you.  Make sure you prepare yourself for the bs you will face....stay lively......because its some voltures out there paitently waiting
Q: What can we be looking out from you in the near future? Mixtapes, singles, videos?  
→14 kids......3 nah.... Hopefully i will mature more as an artist.....and you will see Bombsquad on every tv channel ......hell......even Animal planet....but in a good way tho.... not on no mike vick ish....haha

Once again, thank you for answering these questions. NO THANK YOU!......BY THE WAY...... #tuf is the shit!.....#bow 

Limos & Liquor

Let me be one of the first blogs to introduce you all to Limos&Liquor!!

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We're competitive with ourselves and our competition. Each season we want to top ourselves and what our fellow apparel brands are doing, in a respectful manner. WE AIM TO IMPRESS AND INSPIRE.←

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